The focus is on Jesus!

Newsletter and Posters

I received an email again this morning asking for more information about the Bible (praise the Lord!).  People are wanting to know what God's next move is going to be.  I wanted to share a thought or two here in the form of a reply to this email.

Hi, praises to our God!  Welcome, and thanks for writing.  

So far doesn't have a newsletter. What I have been doing is writing devotionals, and creating posters and desktop backgrounds that are intended to encourage. It has been my desire that you, and everyone else finding/receiving them, will share them with as many people as possible, and that many people will be blessed and praise Jesus together. 


Originally the posters were designed to be printed and placed where others could see them and be encouraged, but now because of the Coronavirus situation and the need for social distancing people are sending them in their emails, sending them by texts or Messenger, posting them on Facebook and Twitter, etc. 

Please share them! Everything on is totally free (even the timelines themselves) without any strings attached. Copy, paste, share. Encourage as many people as u can to keep their FOCUS ON JESUS

JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON, of that we can be sure!  This Coronavirus is not likely the very end of the world, but it certainly will change the way we live.  I believe it’s just the beginning of what has been called "the time of trouble", and it certainly should cause us to refocus on Who is most important. 

I personally believe that Jesus has allowed this virus, and other bad things like this, to help us realize how bad things would be in the universe if God’s enemy (the devil) controlled it.  God wants us to hate sin and it’s results, while loving the sinner.  (We all have sinned, so we are all in the same boat.)  Until we see the end results of what sin does we will be less likely to want to stop sinning.

Please pick and share anything from that the Holy Spirit leads u to. Share it as far and near as u can. (Currently there are over 100 posters to choose from, and over 85 devotionals, plus lots of articles to pass on to others.)

Devotionals: (click here)

Articles: (click here)

Posters: (click here)




Again, thanks for contacting, and may God continue to lead and bless u!




"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." - Proverbs 4:23

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