The focus is on Jesus!

To All Adventists !


Please allow me to introduce:
 (BTL) is a personal ministry project of a dedicated, life-long member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church (SDA) who is in love with Jesus and with the SDA church. BTL is designed to be a visual teaching aide that is completely Bible-based, totally accurate, and in complete harmony with Seventh-day Adventist Church doctrines. At the same time, BTL is designed so that non-Adventists should not be repulsed by their own pre-conceived ideas of who Adventists are, or of any biblical truth before they actually read the truth.

While no attempt is made to “funnel” people into the SDA church, BTL contains many SDA resources that the Holy Spirit can use to lead people to even more truth when He so chooses (including 10 EGW books, plus links to Faith for Today, It Is Written, Amazing Facts, 3ABN, and more). is designed to be a visually appealing online witnessing tool that every Adventist can use to share the Gospel of Jesus even if they aren’t computer literate themselves. Sometimes we cannot share the Gospel out loud, or as in-depth as we would like, but we can give people a business card or bookmark.  BTL is there when we cannot be, even at 3 in the morning or when they are not wanting to see anyone.  BTL is attempting to make truth available and easily understood in just a few minutes and with a few clicks of a computer mouse. Then, as the Holy Spirit leads them, these viewers may be encouraged to dig even deeper.  Many people are visual learners, and for that reason the Bible’s big picture, and many of its main events and characters are graphically displayed on a timeline when possible. was not designed as a step-by-step Bible study. Instead, there are over 20 graphic timelines that have been organized into 3 categories (History, Prophecy, and Principles) to make it easier for everyone to find the specific information that they are seeking.

In the History category there are timelines on the lives of individuals like Noah, Joseph and Daniel. There is also a series of 4 timelines just about Jesus and the events in His life. (Each event on 3 of these Jesus-timelines is linked to where that event is recorded in the four Gospels, and then linked to a corresponding chapter in the Desire of Ages.)

The Prophecy category includes the Daniel 8 & 9 Timeline (an expanded view of the 2,300 day/year prophecy), and the Jesus Returns Timeline. The Principles category includes timelines on Death & Hell, and The Sacrificial System.

These timelines are ready to download at no charge. Many of these are high-resolution images and are ready to print at home or to be printed commercially where they can be printed up to 20 feet long or more.

There are also over 100 short articles and devotionals, over 100 posters (to share by texting, emailing, online or in print), and several other digital resources (videos, bookmarks, postcards, computer background images), all designed to point the reader to Jesus Christ and His amazing love. contains nothing that is for sale. It’s a totally free resource for the seasoned Christian (of any denomination), for the new Christian, and even for the non-Christian.

Please watch the short Tutorial and Introduction video (CLICK HERE).  You should find that will be much more usable after watching this 12 minute video.  (Be sure to note that BTL can be translated into over 100 languages, including Spanish, with just a click of the mouse.)

Share a business card or bookmark with everyone you meet!  Use the contact page above and send your name and mailing address, and I will send you 20 free business cards and 10 free bookmarks. (Arrangements can be made for more bookmarks and business cards if you need them.)


God's blessings to you as you share Jesus with others.  Thank You!




(Right click and print this poster for your church bulletin board.)
(Right click and print this poster for your church bulletin board.)





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